Safeguarding Services
Bishop’s commitment statement
The Catholic Diocese of Wagga Wagga and its agencies are committed to the safety, care, and dignity of all people as an integral part of our mission.
This commitment is rooted in Catholic social teaching and our obligation to promote the common good and respect the human dignity of all. We extend this commitment to all members of our community, including clergy, employees, and volunteers, regardless of their role or level of responsibility.
Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to be a light to the world and to be shining examples of virtue, integrity, and holiness. We pledge to create a safe, nurturing, and empowering culture for everyone in our care, including children, young people, and vulnerable adults.
To achieve this, we will:
- Empower all individuals to have a voice and to raise concerns;
- Implement rigorous risk management and employment practices;
- Uphold the safety and dignity of every person and ensure they can grow, develop and engage in a caring and supportive environment in our Church;
- Proactively identify and prevent all forms of abuse, including child abuse, by identifying and removing or reducing risks early on;
- Involve families, caregivers, and relevant communities in decision-making processes;
- Continuously review and improve our systems and practices to protect people from abuse;
- Not accept any forms of abuse, discrimination, and harassment; including a no-tolerance approach to the abuse of children;
- Report any suspected abuse promptly to the appropriate authorities; and
- Ensure that all persons who have or may have contact with children, young people, and people-at-risk acknowledge their responsibility to safeguard these vulnerable groups.
In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus taught that whoever welcomes a child in his name welcomes him, and those who harm the innocent will face severe consequences. We take these teachings to heart and commit to safeguarding with utmost seriousness and diligence.
Bishop Mark Edwards OMIÂ
Bishop of the Diocese of Wagga WaggaÂ
Bishop Mark launches commitment statement

Documents + Resources
Org charts, policies, processes, posters + clips
Integrity in our common mission – December 2023 (PDF)
Risk management Policy  | FrameworkÂ
Diversity, equity & inclusionÂ
Information Sharing and Record Keeping Policy
Responding to a Complaint – Procedure
Professional and Pastoral Supervision
Allegations of reportable conduct or complaint workflow
Australian Catholic Safeguarding (web)
National Response Protocol (web)
Child Safe Standards and core components translated brochures
- Listening to our parish community (PDF)
- Keeping our kids safe – resources guide (PDF)
- Keeping our kids safe for education (PDF)
- Identifying reportable allegations (PDF)
- Heads of entities and reportable conduct responsibilities (PDF)
- FAQs for employees (PDF)
- FAQs for employers (PDF)
- Permission to publish photographs DWW
- Poster for parishes for children
- Poster for parishes
- Poster for parishes – Adults at Risk
- Acolyte Role Description
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Role Description
- Parish (Pastoral) Council Role Description
- Parish Finance Council Role Description
- Parish Safeguarding Officer Role Description
- Volunteer General Role Description
- Volunteer Induction Handbook Diocese of Wagga Wagga
- Volunteer Framework Diocese of Wagga Wagga
Video Resources
- Introduction to the NSW reportable conduct scheme (Youtube)
- Understanding risk (Youtube)
- The working with children check (Youtube)
- Child safe standards and the child safe scheme (Youtube)
- What does a child safe parish feel like? (Youtube)
- The conversations we have to have (Youtube)
- Why Safeguards? (Youtube)
- Volunteer Induction Video
Safeguarding September Resources
Resources for Parishes
- Safeguarding September Pack Cover Page
- Selection of Prayers and Prayers of Intercession
- Parish Safeguarding Posters
Resources for Vianney College
- Safeguarding September Pack Cover Page
- Selection of Prayers and Prayers of Intercession
- Posters for National Child Protection Week
- Parish Safeguarding Posters
Resources for Schools
- Safeguarding September Pack Cover Page
- Selection of Prayers
- Newsletter inserts
- Safeguarding September Colouring In Competition Information Sheet
- Colouring In – Option A K-2
- Colouring In – Option B K-2
- Colouring In – Year 3-6
- Activity Booklet
- Posters for National Child Protection Week
- Safeguarding September Pack Cover Page
- Selection of Prayers
- Newsletter Inserts
- Poster design competition information
- Posters for National Child Protection Week
Resources for Centacare South West NSW
- Safeguarding September Pack Cover Page
- Selection of Prayers
- Newsletter Inserts
- Posters for National Child Protection Week
Resources for St Francis Boarding
Contact Us
Reach out to us by calling, writing or emailing us:
*For any complaints that may relate to criminal conduct we also encourage you to contact NSW Police (Crime Stoppers) on 1800 333 000. For current immediate danger of physical or sexual assault call 000 and ask for Police. Â
Office of Safeguarding
McAlroy House
02 6937 0003
Office of Safeguarding
McAlroy House
PO Box 473
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
A restricted group of confidential child protection professionals will respond.
Team Contacts
Safeguarding Panel

Bishop Mark Edwards OMI
Bishop of Wagga Wagga

Dr Andrew Watson
Director of Catholic Education

Rev Peter Murphy
Vicar General Diocese of Wagga Wagga

Bernie Sandral
Chief Operating Officer Diocese of Wagga Wagga

Virginia Pattison
Diocesan Safeguarding Manager

Annemaree BingerÂ
Chief Executive Officer Centacare South West NSW

Karen Williams
Manager Chancery Services Diocese of Wagga Wagga