
Vale Archbishop Francis Carroll

It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Archbishop Francis Carroll, a beloved figure within the Church & the local community.

Bishops Statement on the Voice

In Towards the Referendum, the bishops encourage all Australians to educate themselves, including by reading the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the bishops’ annual Social Justice Statement. They also invite people to listen to others’ hopes and fears.

Social Justice Statement

Social Justice Statement Bishops’ statement calls for ‘new engagement’ with First Peoples ACBC Media Blog Australia’s Catholic bishops have called on the nation to seek "a new engagement" with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in their annual Social Justice Statement being launched today. Since the 1940s, the bishops have published annual statements that urge the Catholic community to reflect ...

2025 – Holy Year of Hope

The Jubilee Year will be celebrated throughout 2025 via a calendar of special events, focusing on particular groups of people and specific themes. The theme for the 2025 Jubilee, chosen by Pope Francis, is “Pilgrims of Hope”.

Fr Terence Mahedy RIP

AUGUST 4, 2023 Fr Terence Mahedy RIP We give thanks to God for the extraordinary life and ministry of Fr Terence Mahedy. It is with great sadness that the Diocese of Wagga Wagga announces the death of Fr Terence Mahedy, Parish Priest of Culcairn Parish and Administrator of Holbrook Parish. Fr Terence passed away on Thursday 3 August 2023 at ...

Oceania bishops publish response to Synod of Bishops document

The Oceania response was drafted by a writing and discernment group, which synthesised reports from the four bishops conferences and the local Eastern Catholic Churches.
In a context of prayer and contemplation, the bishops reviewed and refined that document, which the FCBCO’s executive council recently approved and submitted to the Synod Secretariat in Rome.

Plenary Council Decrees

During the second general assembly, more than 35 motions were put to a consultative and a deliberative vote. Those motions that received a qualified majority in the deliberative vote were passed by the Plenary Council. They were confirmed as the decrees of the Plenary Council.

Catholic Mission

As the Pope’s international mission agency, we respond to the call to love God and to love our neighbour by forming individuals and communities as missionary disciples of Jesus who share their faith in action and through prayer. We share in God’s mission to reach out, give life by sharing our personal and financial resources to: – proclaim the Gospel, – serve people in need, – act for peace, justice and creation; In partnership with local churches, so that all may have life in Christ.

Caritas Australia

Caritas Australia works hand in hand with the most marginalised communities in Australia and overseas, to confront the challenges of poverty. Through locally-led programs, we work with all people, with shared hope and compassion, towards a world where all can thrive and reach their full potential.