Accreditation Modules
SRE training course
Becoming an accredited SRE trainer
As a provider of SRE in Public Schools, the Diocese of Wagga Wagga signs an annual agreement with the NSW DoE. In order to comply with this agreement, the Diocese is required to provide Basic Accreditation training for SRE personnel and ongoing training in the areas of classroom management and child protection issues.
Completing the 5 accreditation modules
The five Basic Accreditation modules detailed below are to be completed within 6 months of authorisation with the requirement that one module be submitted per month*.
*Should a volunteer require an extension for a module they need to contact the Diocesan Catechist Coordinator prior to the due date. Each module should take approximately 1-1 ½ hours to complete.
Failure to complete the mandatory basic training may result in this temporary authorisation being withdrawn until the mandatory training has been completed by the catechist. Qualified teachers or SRE volunteers from other dioceses may apply for recognised prior learning. Contact Diocesan Catechist Coordinator for more details.
Mandatory child protection training is currently held every two years- even years, eg 2016, 2018. All SRE personnel are required to participate.
Volunteers are currently required to update in classroom management every two years. Training sessions are held in each deanery.
Failure to complete the mandatory ongoing training may result in the catechist’s or helper’s authorisation being suspended until the training is completed. Other training opportunities will be made available and though not compulsory it is strongly recommended that catechists avail themselves of these opportunities to develop their skills in this important ministry.
Module 1
The SRE teacher in the parish + school and the classroom experience
Download and complete the following module 1 lessons:
Module 2
Introduction to sacred scripture
Download and complete the following module 2 lessons:
Module 3
Using an authorised curriculum + lesson planning
Download and complete the following module 3 lessons:
Module 4
The mission and the ministry of the catechist
Download and complete the following module 4 lessons:
Module 5
Classroom skills – behaviour management
Before you download and complete this module, please contact the catechist coordinator on 0429 203 047
- Please return the completed Quiz Sheet to the Catechist Coordinator.
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