Most Rev Gerard Hanna


Most Rev Gerard Hanna – Bishop Emeritus Bishop Gerard Hanna retired from his position as Bishop of Wagga Wagga in September 2016. Born in Armidale New South Wales in 1941, Gerard Hanna studied for the priesthood at St Columba’s College Springwood and St Patrick’s College Manly, attaining a Post-Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Theology from Heythrop College, University of London. He was …

Most Rev Mark Edwards OMI


Most Rev Mark Edwards OMI Appointed by Pope Francis on 26 May 2020  as Sixth Bishop of Wagga, Bishop Mark Edwards OMI was received at a Liturgical Reception and Solemn Mass at St Michael’s Cathedral on 22 July 2020. Mark Stuart Edwards OMI was born in 1959 in Balikpapan on the island of Borneo in Indonesia the first child of …

Rev Jomer Calma


Rev Jomer Calma Attended seminary formation at Vianney College in 2012 – 2018 and earned a Degree in Sacred Theology. Ordained Deacon on 15 February 2018 at St Michael’s Cathedral, Wagga Wagga by His Grace, the Most Rev Christopher Prowse DD, Archbishop of Canberra- Goulburn and Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. Appointed Deacon at St Michael’s Cathedral …