Payments + Donations

Make a payment to
St Francis College CSU

When making payment:

  • Please include the student name as a lodgement reference to identify the payment.

Donate to local
Diocesan Projects

Donations to ongoing works and projects of the Diocese are gratefully accepted.

When making a donation:

  • Please include a Unique Identifier as a reference that defines the intention of your donation.

Donate to
Vianney College

General Works Donations

Donations to assist Vianney College with ongoing costs relating to the education of priests are gratefully accepted.

When making a donation:

  • Please include in your lodgement reference: Vianney General Works (your name)
Building Fund Donations

Tax Deductible Donations to assist Vianney College with Building Projects and maintenance of the existing buildings are gratefully accepted.

When making a donation:

  • Please include in your lodgement reference: Vianney General Building Fund (your name)


If you require a refund of your payment, please follow the below instructions:

  • Contact the diocesan office on 02 69370099 or by email at and outline the issue.
  • Provide the transaction details including the time, date, reference and value.
  • On consideration of a reasonable request, such as incorrect payment, you should expect the funds to be reimbursed (only to account where debit occurred) within 1 week.

Payments will be processed by the Catholic Diocese of Wagga Wagga.

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