Jerilderie Parish
Jerilderie Parish - St Joseph's
For information about weekly church services, mass times, upcoming activities, events, and parish contacts, please see details below.
Rev Paul Lu - Administrator
Rev Roshin Michael - Assistant Priest
St Joseph's
Coreen Street, Jerilderie
Sunday Mass 8:30am
Morning Tea - Last Sunday each month
Weekday Masses
Wednesday: 9.15 am
Thursday: 5.30 pm
Friday: 5:30pm
CONFESSION & ROSARYÂ before all masses
30 minutes before Weekday Masses
1st Wednesday of the month:
Mass and Anointing of the Sick & morning tea
Baptisms and Marriages by appointment
Bank Account Details
First Collection (Priests)
BSB:Â 066-789Â Â Account No: 206110932
Second Collection (Parish)
BSB:Â 066-789Â Â Account No: 206110932
Catholic Women's League
Contact Judy Ryan
03 5886 1241
St Vincent de Paul Centre
Jerilderie Street
Jerilderie NSW 2716
Contact Tony Herrick
03 5886 1771
for all Parish activities contact Judy Ryan
03 5886 1241
St Joseph's Primary School