Griffith Parish
Sacred Heart Parish Griffith
For information about weekly church services, mass times, upcoming activities, events, and parish contacts, please see details below.
Rev Henry Ibe - Parish Priest
Fr Norman Banzuela - Assistant Priest
Fr Neil Hernandez - Assistant Priest
Sacred Heart
Warrambool Street Griffith
Saturday 8:00am
Sunday - 7:30am, 9:00am (Italian), 10:30am, 5:30pm
Weekday Masses
Monday - Friday - 7:00am, 5:30pm
Saturday - 5:30pm Vigil
Friday - 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Saturday - 7:30am to 8:00am
Sunday - 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Or anytime by contacting the Presbytery
Baptisms and Marriages
Saturday & Sunday - 11:30am
Bookings to be made through the Parish Office
Anointing of The Sick
Available on Call
Marian Catholic College Chapel
Via Macarthur Street, Griffith
Sunday - 9:00am
We continue to provide the Mass, Rosary and Adoration online through our facebook pages. You may watch them in real time or afterwards as they are saved on the pages.
Sacred Heart Parish Griffith Facebook Page
Bank Account Details
First Collection (Priests)
BSB:Â 066-789Â Â Account No: 100005036
Second Collection (Parish)
BSB:Â 066-789Â Â Account No: 100005037
Perpetual Adoration Chapel
(24 hours a day , 7 days a week)
All community members are welcome to visit the Chapel to adore Our Lord, however,
we invite those interested in a set weekly hour to contact Parish Office
02 6962 1533
- 1st Friday Exposition:
Confession and Benediction at 4:30pm
Living Water Prayer Group
Tuesday 1:00-3:00pm parish hall
St Vincent de Paul Conference
Every 2nd Tuesday 1:30pm - Contact Yvonne 0438 623 612
St Vincent de Paul Care & Support Centre
67 Yambil Avenue,
Griffith NSW 2680
02 6964 3863
Youth Group (High School students)
To be announced
Young Adults Group (ex school adults)
To be announced
Tongan Choir
Practice Saturday 5:00pm
Rosary Group (Marian Movement of Priests)
Wednesday 4:45pm, before Mass in the Church
Marian Catholic College
185 Wakaden Street
Griffith NSW 2680
St Patrick's Primary School
Warrambool Street
Griffith NSW 2680
PO Box 714
Griffith NSW 2680