Yenda-Yoogali-Hanwood Parish
Rev Peter Stojanovic - Parish Priest
Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii Church
19 Edon Street, Yoogali
Friday - 9:30am
Sunday - 10:00am
St Anthony's Church
13 Yarran Street, Hanwood
Wednesday - 8:00am
Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm
St Therese's Church
10 Mirrool Avenue, Yenda
Tuesday - 5:15pm
Thursday - 5:15pm
Sunday - 8:00am
Good Shepherd Chapel
Scalabrini Village, Oakes Road, Yoogali
Saturday - 10:30am
First Saturday of the Month - St Therese, Yenda
9.30am - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
10:00am - Mass (with Anointing of the Sick)
Hanwood - Saturday - 4:30pm-4:55pm
Yenda   - Thursday, before Mass
Yoogali  - upon request
Bank Account Details - Yenda
First Collection (Priests)
BSB: 032-750Â Â Account No: 114820
Second Collection (Parish)
BSB: 032-750Â Â Account No: 996114
Bank Account Details - Yoogali
First Collection (Priests)
BSB: 032-750Â Â Account No: 114820
Second Collection (Parish)
BSB: 032-750Â Â Account No: 115014
Bank Account Details - Hanwood
First Collection (Priests)
BSB: 032-750Â Account No: 114820
Second Collection (Parish)
BSB: 032-750Â Â Account No: 451501
19 Edon Street, Yoogali NSW, Yoogali 2680