Diocesan Directory

Corowa Parish

St. Mary's Catholic Parish Corowa

We are currently updating content about our parish. Please check back again soon.

For information about weekly church services, mass times, upcoming activities, events, and parish contacts, please see details below.


Parish Contacts

Rev John H McGrath - Parish Priest

Weekly Church Services & Mass Timetables

St Mary's Star of the Sea
21 Parade Place Corowa
Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm
Sunday - 9:00am

Weekday Masses
Refer to Parish Bulletin available in the Church or on the parish website:

Confessions/ Reconciliation
Saturday - 11:00am-12:00noon, 5:30-6:00pm

St Pius X, Coreen
Urana Road.
1st, 3rd Sunday - 10:45am Mass

Baptisms and Marriages
by appointment.
Contact Parish Office: 02 6033 1927


Bank Account Details

First Collection (Priests)
BSB: 066-789   Account No: 206110498

Second Collection (Parish)
BSB: 066-789   Account No: 206110290


Contact the Parish Office 02 6033 1927 or check the parish bulletin for the following groups:

  • St Mary's Playgroup - Tuesday - 10:00 am in school terms - St Mary's Hall

Contact the numbers given for the following:

St Vincent de Paul Conference
1st & 3rd Mondays
02 6033 1927

St Vincent de Paul Centre
181 Sanger Street
Corowa NSW 2646
02 6033 2309

Parish Hall
02 6033 5381

Aged Care Units
St Mary's Court
Parade Place
02 6033 1927

Karinya Apartments
Gay Street,
Southern Cross Homes Aged Care
Ecumenical Service - Friday's 10am


St Mary's Primary School
207 Federation Avenue
Corowa NSW 2646
02 6033 1183

23 Parade Place, Corowa NSW, Corowa 2646

PO Box 69
Corowa NSW 2646