Tarcutta Parish
Tarcutta Parish
For information about weekly church services, mass times, upcoming activities, events, and parish contacts, please see details below.
Wagga Wagga
Parish Contacts
Administrated by the Cathedral Parish
Weekly Church Services & Mass Timetables
St Francis Xavier
Sydney Street Tarcutta
Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm
before all Masses
Baptisms and Marriages for all Churches
by appointment
Bank Account Details
First Collection (Priests)
BSB:Â 066-789Â Â Account No: 100005764
Second Collection (Parish)
BSB:Â 066-789Â Â Account No: 100005765
12 Cunningdroo Street, Ladysmith NSW, Ladysmith 2652
PO Box 25
Ladysmith NSW 2652